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Xfernet launches new ActiveGrid cloud built on OnApp

Switches to OnApp from AppLogic to deliver high quality cloud services to enterprise customers in the U.S. and abroad LONDON – May 28th, 2014 – OnApp has announced that Xfernet, the Los Angeles-based hosting and managed services provider, has launched a new...

OnApp Named “Cool Vendor” by Gartner

Vendors selected for the “Cool Vendor” report are innovative, impactful and intriguing London, 20th May 2014 – OnApp, a leading Infrastructure-as-a-Service platform provider for hosts, telcos and managed services companies, today announced it has been included in the...

OnApp and IBM partner to bring hosted Infrastructure-as-a-Service clouds to service providers, using SoftLayer infrastructure

SAN FRANCISCO, CA, Apr 28th, 2014 (Marketwired via COMTEX) – OnApp has announced a partnership with IBM to bring the OnApp cloud platform to service providers, fully hosted on IBM’s SoftLayer infrastructure, through the IBM Cloud marketplace at...

Xperience uses OnApp to launch The Cloud Simplified, a new public cloud computing service for small business and enterprise customers

The Cloud Simplified offers high-end cloud performance, security and functionality for business customers, with servers provisioned in less than 30 seconds London – April 23, 2014 – OnApp has announced that UK-based IT provider, Xperience Group, has chosen the OnApp...

Interxion and OnApp Launch CloudPOD to Accelerate Cloud Service Delivery

New CloudPOD package enables hosts, telcos and MSPs to develop OnApp-based IaaS cloud services and quickly deploy them from Interxion Cloud Hubs WORLD HOSTING DAYS; EUROPA-PARK RUST, GERMANY – April 1, 2014 – Today, at WorldHostingDays, INTERXION HOLDING NV (NYSE:...

VibeVPS cuts the cost of high-end cloud with OnApp, Dell and PEER1 Hosting

Launches aggressively-priced cloud services for large enterprises and SMEs, using a pre-configured software and hardware package with integrated storage for rapid time-to-market LONDON – March 12th, 2014 – OnApp has announced that VibeVPS has launched a new range of...