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Video: how long does it take to build your own cloud?

How long does it take to build your own cloud – a week? A day? An hour? With OnApp, less time than you think… In this video, Paul Morris uses the power of timelapse to install an OnApp cloud in less time than it takes to cook breakfast. The video is only...

OnApp Named “Cool Vendor” by Gartner

Vendors selected for the “Cool Vendor” report are innovative, impactful and intriguing London, 20th May 2014 – OnApp, a leading Infrastructure-as-a-Service platform provider for hosts, telcos and managed services companies, today announced it has been included in the...

What happens next when you sign up with OnApp? Meet the CATs…

So, you’ve signed up with OnApp – welcome aboard! But what happens next? Meet our Cloud Architecture Team – otherwise known as the CATs. The Cloud Architecture Team are the first people who look after you when you sign up with OnApp. Their job is to...

OnApp and IBM partner to bring hosted Infrastructure-as-a-Service clouds to service providers, using SoftLayer infrastructure

SAN FRANCISCO, CA, Apr 28th, 2014 (Marketwired via COMTEX) – OnApp has announced a partnership with IBM to bring the OnApp cloud platform to service providers, fully hosted on IBM’s SoftLayer infrastructure, through the IBM Cloud marketplace at...

Smart Server selfies at WHD 2014!

WHD is always a fantastic event, and this year’s show was easily the best yet. Loads of friends, loads of new connections, lots of new business and plenty of late nights too… Of course, we were there to show just how easy OnApp makes it to sell cloud, CDN...