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Customers on camera: dynaCLOUD

dynaCLOUD is a great example of a service provider combining OnApp Cloud with its own skills and vertical market experience, to create the kind of cloud service you simply can’t get from a company like Amazon.    dynaCLOUD is a new range of cloud services...

Customers on camera: Shift To The Cloud

Shift To The Cloud is the latest cloud provider to prove that, just because you’re based in small market, doesn’t mean you can’t take on Amazon with your cloud services. As long as your cloud is powered by OnApp, of course. Shift To The Cloud is the...

Important note for OnApp customers: patch your Xen hypervisors

An important note for OnApp customers about the Xen 64-bit PV guest escalation vulnerability that was revealed recently. This is an issue with the Xen hypervisor platform, not the OnApp platform. A patch is available to fix the issue, and you should apply this as soon...

Customers on camera: World Online/Cloud On Demand

Leading Brazilian hosting provider, World Online, has launched a new range of Cloud On Demand services powered by OnApp software. World Online was founded more than 20 years ago, and offers a complete range of hosting, web design and Internet marketing services. As...

Customers on camera: The unbelievable Machine Company

The unbelievable Machine Company (*um) is a specialist enterprise cloud provider based in Berlin. Its customers include Nokia, Deutsche Post, Volkswagen and AG, who rely on *um for a range of hosting services, as well as expertise in planning and operating...