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Installing OnApp 5.2 with vCloud Director

Installing OnApp for vCloud Director is a pretty straightforward process. Here’s a quick guide to get you started. We offer a range of different installation options for OnApp, including both free and paid installs – but you can also install OnApp for vCD...

Using Orchestration Models with OnApp for vCloud Director

In OnApp, orchestration models are our own take on VMware’s VDC template feature that was added into the core vCloud Director product as part of their 8.0 release. The main use case for Orchestration Models is to allow you, as a service provider, to offer self service...

Using Billing Plans with OnApp for vCloud Director

By popular request, here’s a quick run-through of OnApp’s billing plan functionality as it applies to clouds using VMware vCloud Director. The billing plan functionality within OnApp is used to track usage of resources within your cloud, and assign...

VMware vCAN partners: why aren’t you using vCloud Director?

Gartner and IDC predict IaaS cloud revenues will treble by 2020, growing into a 43 billion dollar market. To get a share of this market, VMware-based service providers need to be looking at streamlining three key areas of their vCloud offerings: 1. Agility 2....

Claranet chooses OnApp portal to enhance its VMware cloud services

London, October 12, 2016 – OnApp has announced that Claranet, a leading European managed service provider, has chosen OnApp as its customer portal for cloud services based on VMware vCloud Director®. Claranet will use OnApp to automate and simplify cloud...