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How to create bonded interfaces on OnApp cloudboot compute nodes

OnApp’s ‘cloudboot’ diskless boot system enables admins to swiftly add additional compute and backup nodes to an OnApp cloud without having to install a local OS on each server. After adding a cloudboot compute node to your cloud, you can create bonded interfaces for...

How to run a Docker container in your OnApp cloud

Welcome to the first in a series of articles about the different options you have to use Container Servers in OnApp. In this first article, we will talk about how to run a Docker container in a Container Server. We’re also running a Container Servers webinar...

What’s new in managed private cloud? We talk to The Unbelievable Machine Company

The unbelievable Machine Company – *um – was the first German company to launch a cloud service. After almost nine years of growth, the *um team has a unique view of how the managed private cloud market has changed during that time, and is still changing...

A manual Windows migration into OnApp, from start to finish

In a previous article, I covered the process of manually migrating a Linux VM into OnApp. This time, I’ll look at the process for Windows virtual machine images. We handle Windows migrations slightly differently than Linux. With Windows we create a template and...

WEBINAR – OnApp for vCAN – Australia & Asia Pacific – with Rhipe

Join us on 26th October at a webinar hosted by Rhipe, a leading cloud channel partner for Australia, New Zealand and across the Asia-Pacific region. We’ll be presenting OnApp’s solution for VMware service providers, and showing how OnApp helps vCloud Air...

Claranet chooses OnApp portal to enhance its VMware cloud services

London, October 12, 2016 – OnApp has announced that Claranet, a leading European managed service provider, has chosen OnApp as its customer portal for cloud services based on VMware vCloud Director®. Claranet will use OnApp to automate and simplify cloud...

OnApp v5.1 introduces simple, intuitive container hosting for cloud service providers and enterprises

London, October 11, 2016 – OnApp has released v5.1 of OnApp Cloud, the leading cloud management solution for telcos, hosting companies and other service providers. As well as a range of improvements to OnApp’s core cloud management capabilities, OnApp v5.1...

What’s new in OnApp v5.1?

We are delighted to announce OnApp v5.1, the first ‘latest’ release of the OnApp cloud management platform. OnApp v5.1 includes the beta of Container Servers, even more stats, improvements to vCloud Director and much more. But, before I talk about those, I...

Telcos! Don’t be afraid. Just build a cloud.

Last week I attended Services Innovation World, and spoke to a lot of telecoms providers. Some were global, some were regional, but all shared a common fear. The fear that it’s too late to offer cloud services… The reasons why were different for each provider....

NxtGen chooses OnApp to extend its Infinite Datacenter hybrid cloud service

London, September 27, 2016 – OnApp has announced that Asia-Pacific cloud giant, NxtGen, has chosen the OnApp cloud platform and OnApp Federation to extend its Infinite DatacenterTM hybrid cloud service, which provides enterprises with a wide range of private and...