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Intel Solutions Summit – Asia

  Join us at ISS 2017 – the premier event for Intel Technology Providers! April 25-27, 2017 – The Parisian/Venetian – Macau – China ISS is Intel’s largest and most prestigious channel event of the year exclusively reserved for Intel®...

Intel Solutions Summit – EMEA

  Join us at ISS 2017 – the premier event for Intel Technology Providers! April 4-6, 2017 – Madrid Marriott & Convention Center – Madrid – Spain ISS is Intel’s largest and most prestigious channel event of the year exclusively reserved...

Will Microsoft and Amazon Web Services keep all the revenue this year?

According to Synergy Research Group, 2016 saw the largest growth in public and private cloud revenues. Microsoft and Amazon Web Services led, with 53% year on year growth from cloud infrastructure services. What can other cloud providers do to protect and grow their...

Meet OnApp at 2017

Join us at WHD 2017 – the world’s biggest cloud hosting event! OnApp is a Diamond sponsor, and as ever, we’re sponsoring the famous OnApp ConneXions Party. Register FREE with the code GL174BW – and meet us at booth E01: Chat about your cloud...

SIS Launches CMP, a New Cloud Management Platform Built on VMware and OnApp

Lexington, KY, December 29, 2016 – SIS, a leading U.S. provider of managed cloud services, today announced the launch of its new cloud management platform, CMP, for enterprise clients. CMP is built on VMware vCloud Director® and OnApp’s cloud management,...

The resurrection of the Private Cloud…

2016 will be remembered as the year the Private Cloud had a big reality check. What started out with a bang, a few years back, looked more likely to end with a whimper. So what brought this potential multi-billion dollar industry to its feet? Among the many...

Using Recipes in OnApp with vCloud Director

OnApp 5.2 is our first release with full support for recipes working with vCloud Director. Recipes are OnApp’s built in scripting system. You can use Recipes to customize virtual servers during provisioning, by installing apps, customizing configurations and a...

CDN for shared hosting: accelerating millions of websites with a single click

In previous blog posts (here and here) I’ve tried to explain why CDN hasn’t become a product for the masses, because it’s a technology most service providers are just not that familiar with. Web performance is one of the top considerations when buying hosting from a...

Upgrading from OnApp 5.1 to 5.2 with vCloud Director integration

The upgrade process between versions of OnApp for vCD is very straightfoward. While we offer free and paid upgrade services,  if you want to perform the upgrade yourself, you can do so with this simple guide. To see a list of new features in 5.2 please refer to our...

Installing OnApp 5.2 with vCloud Director

Installing OnApp for vCloud Director is a pretty straightforward process. Here’s a quick guide to get you started. We offer a range of different installation options for OnApp, including both free and paid installs – but you can also install OnApp for vCD...