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OnApp working on SHARCS EC Project to create secure-by-design system architectures for its next-generation cloud platform

EC-funded research project involves specialists in security, medical implants, transportation and cloud platform technology   London, 10th March 2016 – OnApp, the leading cloud platform provider for hosts, telcos and MSPs, has announced that it is working...

OnApp releases fully customizable self-service portal for VMware vCloud Director

London, UK – 17th February 2016 – OnApp has released a new version of its cloud management portal for VMware vCloud Director. Based on OnApp v4.2, also launched today, the new OnApp portal brings fully customizable self-service to vCloud Director, enhanced...

OnApp launches v4.2, heralds new direction for cloud hosting industry

Brings Disaster Recovery and CDN to the mass market for the first time, as cloud providers switch focus from infrastructure management to value-added services   London, UK – 17th Februry 2016 – OnApp has launched the latest version of its cloud management...

Webinar: Choosing your vCloud portal

8am Pacific Time – 4pm GMT Join our webinar & demo on January 28th, and see why VMware recommends OnApp’s complete cloud management portal for vCloud Director, vCenter and vCloud Air MSP. 8am Pacific Time | 4pm Greenwich Mean Time CLICK HERE to...

Video: using OnApp as a self-service portal for vCloud Director

As a quick follow-up to my post a few days ago – Adding vCloud Director to OnApp – here’s a short video that shows how to use OnApp as your self-service vCD portal. Including… Setting up your vCloud service by creating users, creating...

Adding vCloud Director to OnApp

This is the first in a series of technical blogs about different aspects of the OnApp cloud platform, and especially the OnApp portal for VMware vCloud Air Network products. In this post, I’m going to explain the pretty simple process of setting up and adding...

Why choosing a portal is a strategic decision for VMware vCAN service providers

Portals are a hot topic for VMware vCloud Air Network (vCAN) partners.  Why? Because VMware now offers a wide range of different ways for service providers to go to market with public and hybrid clouds using vCenter, vCloud Director and vCloud Air products. Making...

OnApp Named a Recommended Portal Partner for VMware vCloud Air Network service providers

London, UK – 7th January 2015 – OnApp has announced that its portal for VMware vCloud® Air™ Network service providers has been recommended by VMware for service providers offering VMware vCloud Director®, VMware vCenter™ and VMware vCloud Air...

OnApp reviews 2015 – a look back, and a look ahead

2015 was an interesting and in many ways a pivotal year for OnApp. I think we achieved a great deal. In this post I wanted to review OnApp’s most important new developments in the last 12 months, and then look ahead to what’s coming from OnApp in 2016. So if...

A look ahead to 2016

In my last post I gave a quick round-up of the many, many new developments from OnApp in 2015. This time I want to take a look forward and share some of the things we’ll be focussing on in 2016. As far as the core OnApp cloud platform is concerned, the product is...