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WHD 2016 in pictures is over for another year… and this year’s show was probably our best ever! As well as demoing the latest version of OnApp, we launched a new range of instant Dell cloud appliances, gave away hundreds of t-shirts and super-cute teddy bears (were...

OnApp launches instant cloud appliances for service providers, powered by Dell

OnApp Cloud management platform now available factory installed, fully certified and preconfigured on selected Dell PowerEdge servers and Dell Networking switches   London, UK – 16th March 2016 – OnApp, a certified technology partner in Dell’s... 2016

Europa Park, Germany Join us at WHD 2016 and grow your hosting business with the latest technology from OnApp – including new federated cloud, backup and DR capabilities…   The complete cloud platform – join us for demos, sneak peaks and to chat...

OnApp working on SHARCS EC Project to create secure-by-design system architectures for its next-generation cloud platform

EC-funded research project involves specialists in security, medical implants, transportation and cloud platform technology   London, 10th March 2016 – OnApp, the leading cloud platform provider for hosts, telcos and MSPs, has announced that it is working...

OnApp releases fully customizable self-service portal for VMware vCloud Director

London, UK – 17th February 2016 – OnApp has released a new version of its cloud management portal for VMware vCloud Director. Based on OnApp v4.2, also launched today, the new OnApp portal brings fully customizable self-service to vCloud Director, enhanced...