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Creating and storing OnApp database dumps

Included in the OnApp control panel (CP) server software is a tool which is used to create database dumps, each containing a copy of the table structure and the data that existed in the OnApp database at the time the dump was created. The database dumps can later be...

Extracting per-organization billing information in CSV format from OnApp

One of the big considerations for service providers adopting a new cloud platform, is how that platform integrates with their existing Business and Operational Support Systems, especially in terms of billing. This is especially important for Telcos and MSPs with...

To boldly sell cloud where you’ve never sold before…

You may have heard of the OnApp Federation.  It’s a global network of OnApp cloud and CDN providers, connected together by a single marketplace that allows each member to buy and sell compute and CDN capacity. But, did you know we have customers massively...

Meet OnApp at VMworld 2018 Europe – enhance vCenter & vCloud Director

Meet the OnApp team at VMworld Europe 2018, on booth S607! Join us to hear about our solutions for VMware vCenter and vCloud Director – making it easy to manage, automate and monetize your cloud.If you’d like to book a meeting with us, just get in touch....

OnApp for vCenter – the new Beta release!

While many of you will know about OnApp’s vCloud Director integration, since our partnership with VMware in 2016, we’ve actually had integration with native vCenter since 2012. Over the past year, we have been re-developing and improving this vCenter...

Webinar: 30 billion reasons to build CDN into your cloud

  CDN is no longer an optional extra for cloud providers. Watch our webinar to learn about the $30bn CDN market opportunity, and how OnApp makes it easy to bring the benefits of CDN to your clients – even if you have no CDN expertise. Watch now »...

What is a multi-CDN strategy – and why do you need one?

To understand what a multi-CDN strategy is, we have to look back at the era of using single CDN service provider to speed up the performance of your website. In the past, a website owner would shortlist a few CDN providers and choose a single CDN to improve the...

Meet OnApp at VMworld 2018 – enhance vCenter & vCloud Director

Meet the OnApp team at VMworld 2018! We’ll be at the U.S. event in Vegas talking about our solutions for VMware vCenter and vCloud Director – making it easy to manage, automate and monetize your cloud. We’ll also be at VMworld Barcelona… watch...

So long billing plans, and thanks for all the fish!

What’s the most important feature of a cloud management platform? If you’re a cloud service provider, it’s probably how easy your platform makes it to bill for your cloud services. Flexible billing has been the cornerstone of the OnApp cloud platform...

The Pivorak Ruby Summer Course – from student to mentor!

I joined OnApp almost a year ago after meeting some of the team at the Pivorak Ruby Summer Course, which OnApp sponsors. This year I had my first experience of teaching at the 2018 Ruby course… and so I wanted to share some of this story with you. How did I get into...