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Webinar: now you can do cloud without a datacenter…

There’s a new way for Telcos and MSPs to take cloud services to market, without having to build and run their own datacenters – and without the complexity, the inflexibility, or the commercial limitations of reselling hyperscale cloud. Watch our webinar to see how!...

OnApp v6.0 makes cloud faster, easier and more profitable for Telcos, MSPs and their customers

New release of the OnApp cloud management platform delivers up to 100% faster performance for websites hosted in OnApp clouds, brings total flexibility in billing, adds easy import and B/OSS integration, Software Defined Networking and more   London, October...

vCloud Director – automating tenant and resource deployment with Orchestration Models

Our vCloud Director portal is designed to simplify vCD for you and your customers – so it’s easier for you to sell resources, and easier for your customers to buy them. In this post I want to talk about one of the ways we make that happen, by giving you...

Back to basics: cloud automation with OnApp

While you’ll find all kinds of topics covered in our blog, and detailed guides and how-tos in our tech blog, from time to time we’re asked to go back to basics and explain some of the core principles of the OnApp cloud platform. One of the most important...

Private CDN agreements in the OnApp Federation

I recently took a trip back to my hometown, Cleveland, Ohio to enjoy the summer on the lake. I’d argue that in the summer, Cleveland is one of the most wonderful places on earth. It’s just the winter that could use some work. Okay, a lot of work. While there, we...

Total Telecom Congress 2018

Total Telecom Congress 30th – 31st October 2018, Business Design Centre, London Come and talk to us at Booth 6 Visit The Total Telecom Congress Event Page »

OnApp vs AWS vs Azure: which cloud is fastest?

If you are an end user thinking about buying cloud services from an OnApp cloud provider – or you’re an OnApp provider wondering how your platform fares against the hyperscale clouds… this blog post is for you. There are many reasons to buy cloud from an...

How to migrate a Linux VM from Xen to KVM in OnApp clouds

OnApp clouds natively support both XEN and KVM compute resources, and it’s possible to migrate XEN VMs over to KVM by following the steps below. We support migrations for both Linux and Windows VMs, but in this guide we’ll cover the Linux migration process...

How to use Veeam backup with OnApp for VMware vCenter

The latest version of OnApp for VMware vCenter adds support for a wide range of use cases, including the ability to add existing vCenter environments into OnApp – so you can benefit from self-service, easy billing, and all of the other features of the OnApp...

OnApp at VMworld US 2018

  What’s hot at VMworld US 2018? Attending this year from OnApp are myself and Jim Freeman  – we’ve been at VMworld since Sunday and so far it’s been really useful for meeting our existing and hopefully new clients from the US region.   While we don’t have...